Hi! My name is Gumby and I am Doogan's brother. Check out Doogan's story to read about how we were adopted by our humans. I am a handsome Tuxedo cat. Mom says I am "beautiful", but I always tell her P-L-E-E-E-E-E-S-E the word is "handsome"! I have an interesting story to tell, too. You see, I was the smallest of the litter and always a bit timid of other cats and people. When I was a kitten I was fine for awhile in my new home, but then something AWFUL happened. My Mommy and Daddy adopted this big Tiger cat named Twiggy. Well, I'll tell you!! Twiggy was gentle as can be except he stared at me and I was really terrified. I ran to a closet in the basement and would not come out. Mommy and Daddy came down to play with me and feed me every day (Mom said I was getting "room service"). I sorta wanted to go upstairs to play with Doogan and Mommy and Daddy, but HE was there too. Mommy and Daddy tried carrying me upstairs several times but I just ran back to MY closet. Mommy even talked to the "cat psychiatrist" at Cornell University and we tried medication. Mommy called it my bravery pills but they did not work. Soooo, I lived my life in the closet. Well, the years passed and one day Twiggy got really sick. Mommy said that Twig had cancer. It took me two years after Twiggy was gone, but then I mustered up all the bravery I could find and made a REALLY FAST run through the upstairs. Well, guess what? No TWIGGY! I made many more fast runs through the upstairs over the next few weeks... then I decided it was safe to come up. Now I come up every day and play with Doogan and Mommy and Daddy. My favorite thing to do is to sit in Mommy's lap when she is watching TV. I love to sit there and purr. I also like to "came a calling" when Mom works on the computer so that I can get my neck scratched. What a life!!! Oh yeah, I have some cool nick names too like "Gumbler", "Gum", and "Sweet Gum Baby". Don't forget to read about Doogan's story, too.

Also check out my doggy sister's story. Her name is Tippy.
And don't miss these stories about my other brothers and sisters:
Please sign my guestbook or visit my online chat room! I would love to hear from you! Tell me all about your own well loved pets and places!
And if you like antiques and collectibles, visit Ginny's Antiques and Estate Jewelry (that's my Mom).
Here are a few great link sites that my Mom put together for you. Don't miss these:
Note from Gumby's mom and dad - sadly, Gumby passed away in July, 2000 after a heroic battle against kidney failure. Gum was 15 years old and he is very much loved and missed!
Gumby 1985-2000 |