Hi! My name is Bumble. Mommy adopted
me from PetsMart right after Doogan passed away. Mommy was just so sad, that she needed me to help cheer her up.
She was looking at an older rescue kittie named Taz, but when she came to PetsMart, Taz was already in a good foster home.
I was with my littermates but Mommy picked me because I was the most rambunctious! I also had this little white spot
under my chin. Mommy says it is a white spot just like Doogs used to have!
Anyway, Mommy brought me home and Daddy said
"I wan't nothing to do with that!". Well, I went to work and two hours later, Daddy was playing with me. Now I
have him wrapped around my paw! Ha!
Well, getting back to my story... Mommy no
sooner brought me home when I started racing and tearing all around. I really wanted to bite these things called "electric
cords". I do not understand why Mommy kept saying "no, no, no". So... Mommy was afraid to leave me alone.
She put me back in the cat carrier and guess what? We went back to PetsMart. Well, when we walked in, the manager
there was a bit concerned. Mommy told her not to worry, that she was not returning me... just shopping. Mommy
bought me a big "kitty play pen" where I sleep at night. Mommy says this will keep me safe and out of trouble!
Geesh, that's no fun!
Well, I didn't have a name yet so Mommy and
Daddy looked at a big book of names. Nothing seemed to fit. Then, I raced up onto the top of the cat pole.
This was just like what Doogs used to do. I then sorta flopped off. Daddy then decided that "Bumble" would be
a good name for me. It was one of Doog's nick names, but NOW it is all mine!
This is the Life! |

Here I am relaxing (having stolen the doggie's bed, of course)! What a
wonderful basket it is, too. Way too good for the doggie! Think I will stretch out and get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's.

I like to snack Gabriel just like my brother Doogan did. I really
like to wait till Gabe comes in from his walkie outside, then pounce on him. Here is a photo of Gabriel and me.
Gabriel is making that funny beagle "Arrroooooooo" right after I bopped him one on the nose! Funny beagle!
Friends Again |

Of course, Gabe and I are really good friends. Here we have "made up"
after the smack on the nose. My older kitty brothers and sisters just sorta gave me the cold shoulder. They walked
away when I wanted to cuddle. So, here I cuddled up with the doggie for a winters nap! Gabe doesn't mind a good
kitty cuddle!
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